Our Mission!

At Focus. Apparel, we believe in more than just style; we believe in making a difference. Our journey begins with Davis, the heart and soul behind our brand. Diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 27, Davis reflects on his school years with a pang of regret. He realizes now that he wasn't just the "naughty kid" but someone who needed understanding, guidance, and support.

Davis's story isn't just his own; it's a narrative shared by many. That's why we're on a mission to change lives, starting with children aged 10-16, the crucial school years where support can make all the difference. Unfortunately, the NHS faces multiple-year waiting lists for ADHD assessments, leaving children without the timely support they urgently need.

For every product you purchase from Focus. Apparel, 10% of the sale price goes towards funding private ADHD assessments for children in need. Imagine if Davis had received the support he needed during those formative years. Imagine the difference it could have made. But it's never too late to create change, and Davis is determined to ensure that no child misses out on the guidance and clarity they deserve.

When you choose Focus. Apparel, you're not just buying clothes; you're investing in a brighter future for children facing similar challenges. Join us on our journey to empower, uplift, and make a tangible impact. Together, let's wear our hearts on our sleeves and make a statement that goes beyond fashion. Let's focus on making a difference.

Where did Davis get diagnosed?



Where will your child  have a ADHD assesment if we was to pick you?

If we were to choose a facility for your child's ADHD assessment, Berkeley Psychiatrists would be our top choice. This decision is rooted in the positive experience Davis had when he underwent his assessment there. From the moment we stepped into Berkeley's doors, we were greeted with warmth and professionalism, making the entire process remarkably pleasant.

Davis, driven by his meticulous nature, conducted thorough research before his diagnosis, leading him to uncover Berkeley's stellar reputation in London's medical community. It's widely acknowledged as one of the premier institutions for ADHD assessments, offering unparalleled expertise and compassionate care.

Rest assured, entrusting Berkeley Psychiatrists with your child's evaluation means placing them in the hands of dedicated professionals who prioritize not only accurate diagnoses but also the comfort and well-being of their patients.

Prices of private ADHD Assessment for Children:

Virtual Consultation - 60-90 minutes = £1,245.00

In-person - 60-90 minutes = £1,425.00

There also would be a option to go with other companies, we could aggree with the parent going forward what would suit them best.

Things you MUST know:

With our private ADHD assessment service, we aim to expedite your diagnosis, bypassing the NHS waiting list and potentially receiving more accurate advice. However, there are important considerations you should keep in mind.

Once the assessment is completed and you have a diagnosis, if you opt for medication, there will be expenses on your end. Here's what to expect: Initially, there will be a trial period during which your child will be prescribed medication, typically costing between £60-80 for a 30-day supply. This trial period is crucial for determining the appropriate dosage and observing how your child responds to the medication. Subsequent follow-up appointments with the psychiatrist, typically costing between £100-150 each, will be necessary to discuss progress and potentially adjust the dosage. Depending on how your child responds to the medication, you may require multiple follow-up appointments. Once stability is achieved and the medication proves beneficial, Berkeley will provide a report and prescription to your local GP.

It's important to be aware that while Focus. Apparel covers either £1245 or £1425 for the assessment, additional costs will apply on your end. Some parents may choose not to pursue the medication route and instead seek clarity and understanding through alternative means, such as educating themselves about the condition, informing teachers, and taking a proactive approach. If this is the case for you, you may avoid many of these extra costs.

In summary, while our service aims to provide valuable assistance, it's essential to consider the potential financial implications and explore all available options before making a decision.