Focus. Story

Unleashing Potential, Empowering Lives 

Welcome to Focus Streetwear & Fitness Apparel Brand, where passion meets purpose, and fashion intertwines with advocacy. Here, we defy stigma and champion individuality. 

We are more than just a brand – we are a movement driven by a deep-rooted commitment to challenge social expectations, promote awareness of differences, embrace diversity and celebrate the hidden resilience inside us all.   

At the core of  Focus Streetwear & Fitness lies a profound drive to raise awareness about ADHD - an often misunderstood and stigmatised condition that profoundly impacts the lives of millions worldwide. 

What you wear is who you are! 

What´s in a logo, what´s in a brand? 

Your clothing is more than just fabric; it's a reflection of your identity and beliefs. It's the emblem you choose to present to the world, shaping perceptions and interactions.  

What drives your wardrobe choices? Do you conform to societal norms, blending into the crowd? Or do you embrace your uniqueness, standing boldly beside your truth 

Do you dare to spark conversation and challenge expectations? 

Sufferers of ADHD face a lifetime of being forced to confirm in a society of social expectations. It can feel like wearing clothes that are just not you.  Your identity masked behind what the world demands. Our mission is to break those expectations, challenge the stigmas and celebrate our differences, our individual strengths and talents.   

You are what you wear - It´s time to focus! 


Our Story: 

Founded by Davis Paukstys, Focus Streetwear & Fitness Apparel embodies more than just a brand—it's a testament to passion forged through personal determination and resilience. Despite encountering numerous challenges, Davis's innate creativity, unwavering determination, and entrepreneurial spirit have led him on a remarkable journey across various industries, gaining valuable experience and knowledge until he discovered his true passion in fashion. 

It wasn't until Davis received a late diagnosis of ADHD at the age of 27 that the pieces of his life puzzle came together. Reflecting on his own journey of mountains to climb and the suffering of living with undiagnosed ADHD he recognized the profound impact early diagnosis and understanding could have had on his life trajectory. 

Rather than falling into regret and sorrow, Davis has harnessed his experiences to merge his expertise in fashion and fitness with a fervent commitment to raising awareness about ADHD—a condition often misunderstood and overlooked. With a mission to raise awareness and help others on their journey so that more children can be identified, diagnosed, understood and achieve their full potential. 

Our Logo:

At Focus, our logo isn't just a design—it's a powerful representation of what drives us. It takes the form of a dopamine molecule, the very substance that influences our experiences, emotions, and actions.
Dopamine: The Catalyst for Good Feelings and Concentration.
Dopamine is the feel-good neurotransmitter. It's the spark behind those moments of joy, pleasure, and motivation. Whether you're conquering a workout or achieving a personal goal, dopamine is there, cheering you on.

When you need to concentrate, dopamine steps up. It sharpens your attention, allowing you to immerse yourself in the task at hand. It's the secret sauce for productivity and achievement.

Dopamine also influences our mood. It's like the conductor of our emotional orchestra whilst also playing a key role in our memory function too.

ADHD is the driving force and dopamine is the main hormone affected in those who have ADHD. Now you understand the importance of dopamine on so many of our feelings and functions, you'll maybe understand the challenges that those with the condition can face.

Why "Focus"? Because We All Need Dopamine!

As the founder, I've grappled with focus challenges throughout my life. Our logo serves as a personal pep talk, urging me to stay on track and push forward.

But it's not just about me. Dopamine is essential for everyone—whether you're an athlete, a student, a parent, or a professional. It's the fuel that powers our ambitions.

Together, We Achieve: When you wear our logo, you're saying, "Let's tackle this day together." It's a shared commitment to getting things done, whether you're hitting the gym, heading for a busy day at work or simply navigating life's twists and turns.

So, join us at Focus Let's harness the power of dopamine, stay motivated, and make every moment count.

    Get Involved: Ready to make a difference? Shop our collection, spread the word, and join us in our mission to empower individuals with ADHD. Together, we can turn struggles into strengths and create a brighter, more inclusive future for all.